CPD District Command Structure

Organization Chart


Definitions and Acronyms

16th District – Jefferson Park

Heather L. Daniel, Commander

5151 North Milwaukee Ave

Chicago, IL 60630

I grew up in St. Louis, but I fell in love with Chicago when I came to study at University of Chicago. I decided to stay, and ended up completing my law degree at John Marshall Law School. I’m currently pursuing a professional certificate in museum studies at Northwestern University.

I enjoy analyzing and developing public policy, exploring Chicago’s many museums, and working on new skills such as glass blowing. My vision is for police and community members to proactively work together to create transformative positive change—both within the communities and within the Department.

Key to this vision is enabling community members to engage at the level at which they’re comfortable, whether it’s a positive interaction with an officer on the street, keeping up to date with us on social media, or participating in one of our various beat meetings and community engagements.
— Heather L. Daniel, Commander