Community Policing Subcommittee

There Is A Place For Everyone, Yes Everyone

  • Looking to build a high performing team to work to impact the level of community engagement in all areas of community policing in Chicago.

    We are a think tank of thought leaders and engagement specialists.

    Join our team if you use high tech tools regularly to solve real world problems.

    We currently have a number of volunteer positions available

    Work with our team because….

    We get the job done!

    Team Deliverables:

    1. Take organization feedback and perform process improvement efforts and iterate until the desired state is achieved.

    2. Measure Community engagement by assessing program effectiveness via web analytics.

    3. Promote our mission in each of the 20+ CPD districts community policing teams and with each of the associated district councils.

    4. Integrate with all of the non profits and deliver programs on a larger scale.

    5. Enhance online platforms to ensure they are user-friendly, informative, and engaging to facilitate community policing initiatives' information sharing.

    6. Recruit and train volunteers for various positions in our team.

    7. Continually monitor and evaluate program effectiveness, refining strategies based on data and community feedback.

    8. Measure community engagement in each of the 20 CPD district's community policing teams, using defined KPIs and web analytics.

    9. Develop a structured plan to increase our presence and mission's promotion within each CPD district and its associated councils.

    10. Foster partnerships with non-profit organizations and develop a system to scale the deliverable programs across the different districts.

    11. Curate a series of webinars/workshops/training sessions for community members to understand the importance of community policing and how to effectively collaborate.

  • Work In Progress

  • W.I.P - Contact Diane Hodges