CPD District Command Structure

Organization Chart


Definitions and Acronyms

14th District – Shakespeare

Elizabeth Collazo, Commander

2150 North California Ave

Chicago, IL 60647

Area: 1 District: 02 Beat: 0223


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“My name is Elizabeth Collazo and I am very proud to serve the citizens of the 014th District as their Commander. I am a native of the 014th District, growing up in the Humboldt Park area where I spent time roller skating and playing baseball as a child.

I attended grammar school at Brian Piccolo Elementary School at 1040 N. Keeler, graduated from Theodore Roosevelt High School at 3436 W. Wilson, and received my bachelor’s degree from Northeastern Illinois University.

I am honored to serve the same community I grew up in. My vision for the 014th District is to bring our many wonderful communities together. I believe bringing everyone together and getting them involved in their community gives them a louder voice in conquering any challenges and obstacles we may face.

I am proud of the partnerships we have been able to develop and I am dedicated to establishing new partnerships to help strengthen our bonds. I believe our strong communities are the foundation of the 014th District, and together we will be successful in creating safer neighborhoods.”
— Elizabeth Collazo, Commander