1st District Council Agenda

Meet the Team

  • Sarah Kammerer

    Council Member

  • Jamie Brown

    Council Member

  • Vacant

    Council Member

Sara Kammerer

Kammerer worked in Congress and on Mitt Romney’s 2008 presidential campaign. She co-founded ChiWomenVote and IllinoisWomenVote and serves on the advisory council of the nonprofit New Politics and on the leadership council of ProPublica.

In a statement to the Reader, Kammerer wrote, “I’m looking forward to serving as a liaison between the community and the police to help build relationships and trust. My background leaves me well-positioned to excel in the role and create opportunities for better communication and safer, stronger, and welcoming neighborhoods.”

  • Is CPD adequately funded?

  • CPD reform:

What do you consider the primary role of a police district councilor to be?

Why are you running for Police District Council?

Jamie Brown

Attorney Brown graduated from the Catholic University of America and Columbus School of Law. She was a volunteer advisor for Daniel Biss’s 2018 bid for governor. Brown served on Chicago Votes’ board of directors for three years, served as its president, and is a precinct captain and zoning board community representative in the 25th Ward.

  • Is CPD adequately funded?

  • CPD reform:

What do you consider the primary role of a police district councilor to be?

Why are you running for Police District Council?


The information on this page was sourced from The Reader and in some cases may not meet the highest journalistic standards. In cases where there are misrepresentations we seek personal interviews to provide you, our site visitor with the highest quality information available related to your elected officials.


Agenda and Goals

Council Agenda

Council Goals

Upcoming Meetings

  • Review Roles

    Meet and greet with CPD district offices

    Set Meeting Dates

  • Report out to community

  • Internal review

    Metrics review

    Current events assessment

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