16th District Council Agenda

Meet the Team

  • Colleen Murphy

    Council Member

  • Daniel Martin

    Council Member

  • Colleen Mary Dillon

    Council Member

Daniel Martin – Chair

former intern for 41st Ward alderperson Anthony Napolitano, Martin has worked for 38th Ward alderperson Nicholas Sposato since 2019. He told the Reader he believes police funding should be increased, adding, “we hold an annual ‘support the police’ rally outside the 16th District police station.” Alderpersons Napolitano and Sposato and the Fraternal Order of Police have endorsed.

  • Is CPD adequately funded? No: funding should be increased.

  • CPD reform: The police are doing a good job, and need more resources.

What do you consider the primary role of a police district councilor to be?

Communicating with the department on behalf of the community

Why are you running for Police District Council?

I am a proud resident of Chicago, born and raised on the northwest side. I believe in community building through active public service. I come from a long line of first responders who have dedicated their lives to the Chicago Police and Chicago Fire departments.

I love the northwest side and I wear that pride on my sleeve every day. The city of Chicago has seen a huge uptick in crime and a lack of justice in our judicial system, I refuse to stand by and lose our city. I am running for the district council to bring a strong common sense community voice to the 16th District. It’s time to take back our communities and make the streets safe once again.

Colleen Murphy – Community Engagement

A resident of Jefferson Park, Murphy has been the president of the Jefferson Park Neighborhood Association (JNPA) for five years and the organization’s zoning chairperson for six. She says, “Police at various levels up to district commanders have come to [JNPA] meetings many times.” Murphy has been accepted to the CPD’s Civilian Police Academy. Alderpersons Nicholas Sposato (38th Ward) and Jim Gardiner (45th Ward) have endorsed.

I believe most officers do a good job, but more resources are needed. We do not have enough officers on the street. Police also need to be better trained. We also need to find a way to get rid of abusive officers.

  • Is CPD adequately funded? Yes: funding should stay about the same.

  • CPD reform: The police are doing a good job, and need more resources.*

*I believe most officers do a good job, but more resources are needed. We do not have enough officers on the street. Police also need to be better trained. We also need to find a way to get rid of abusive officers.

What do you consider the primary role of a police district councilor to be?

Communicating with the department on behalf of the community

Why are you running for Police District Council?

I am concerned about crime and I would like to serve my community in an additional capacity.

Colleen Mary Dillon – Nominating Committee

An Edison Park resident, Dillon told the Reader, “I know what it’s like to worry about the safety of our children and the future they face.” The Fraternal Order of Police, Chicago Firefighters Local 2, Alderpersons Anthony Napolitano (38th Ward) and Nicholas Sposato (41st Ward) have endorsed.

  • Is CPD adequately funded?

  • CPD reform:

What do you consider the primary role of a police district councilor to be?

Why are you running for Police District Council?


The information on this page was sourced from The Reader and in some cases may not meet the highest journalistic standards. In cases where there are misrepresentations we seek personal interviews to provide you, our site visitor with the highest quality information available related to your elected officials.


Agenda and Goals

Council Agenda

Misc Info

Council Goals

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– Edmund Burke

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