11th District Council Agenda

Meet the Team

  • Brian J. Rason, Jr.

    Council Member

  • Jocelyn A. Woodards

    Council Member

  • Alees Edwards

    Council Member

Brian J. Rason, Jr. – Chair

A physicist at Fermilab, Ramson says, “the simultaneous overuse and lack of effectiveness of the CPD is one of the key factors limiting the rehabilitation of the more troubled areas of the city including much of Chicago’s west side. Solutions to the chronic problems plaguing the operation of this department exist. I intend to find those solutions and assist in implementing them.”

  • Is CPD adequately funded? Yes: funding should be reduced.

  • CPD reform: The police should be defunded or abolished.

What do you consider the primary role of a police district councilor to be?

Establishing civilian control of the police department

Communicating with the department on behalf of the community

Helping the police do a better job

Why are you running for Police District Council?

The simultaneous overuse and lack of effectiveness of the Chicago Police Department is one of the key factors limiting the rehabilitation of the more troubled areas of the city including much of Chicago’s west side. Solutions to the chronic problems plaguing the operation of this department exist. I intend to find those solutions and assist in implementing them.

Jocelyn A. Woodards – Nominating Committee

A senior field representative for the AFL-CIO, Woodards has previously worked for Obama For America, the Democratic National Committee, and as an advisor to former U.S. Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr.

  • Is CPD adequately funded?

  • CPD reform:

What do you consider the primary role of a police district councilor to be?

Why are you running for Police District Council?

Alees Edwards – Community Engagement

A faith-based community organizer, Edwards has been a block club president on the west side for over four years. Edwards currently serves as one of the co-chairs for the mayor’s African American Engagement Council ​​and is the founder and executive director of Drawn Out Ministries, a nonprofit that provides transitional housing to women returning from prison. Alderpersons David Moore (17th Ward) Walter Burnett (27th Ward), Emma Mitts (37th Ward), and the 1000 N. Harding Block Club have endorsed.

  • Is CPD adequately funded?

  • CPD reform:

What do you consider the primary role of a police district councilor to be?

Why are you running for Police District Council?


The information on this page was sourced from The Reader and in some cases may not meet the highest journalistic standards. In cases where there are misrepresentations we seek personal interviews to provide you, our site visitor with the highest quality information available related to your elected officials.


Agenda and Goals

Council Agenda

Misc Info

Council Goals

What have we been put here to accomplish?

Upcoming Meetings


Time and date of all upcoming meetings

“We must all obey the great law of change. It is the most powerful law of nature.”

– Edmund Burke

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