Community + Business + Law Enforcement

Advocating for safer communities, so we all win!!

Because “Together We Can”

Hard to know where to start? We are here to help. Your one-stop shop for all things public safety in Chicago.

Knowing where to start is the first step, so we have organized our site so that you land in the right spot. Here for all things community policing, here for all things community services, and here for all things community businesses. The three pillars that will help you start your journey to doing your part in making Chicago a safer place to live.

The elections just ended, and the number one concern among all Chicago residents was and is “public safety.” From the kids’ flash mob in downtown Chicago weeks ago, to carjackings in every neighborhood, you are right to be concerned. This site will give you the tools, resources, and knowledge you need to make a difference in this wonderful city we call home because, in Chicago, #TogetherWeCan.

Now jump right in and start your adventure into making a difference and be a part of the solution because in Chicago #TogetherWeCan.

The Three Pillars of Success

That strategy recognizes that police, residents, and other neighborhood stakeholders, and other City agencies have to work together to address all the conditions that can lead to crime. No one stands alone; each of us has a role to play in improving the quality of life in our communities.

In each of the 20+ districts you now have an opportunity to get involved to make a difference. Workshops tools are provided to help you make a difference in your neighborhood. Meet the members of your newly elected District Council Members and engage

Chicago is a diverse city and has a myriad of resources to meet most any need. Here we will insure that we direct you to neighborhood, city state and if necessary federal resources to help you take this great city back. For this to be a reality it takes you to be in the fight day after day, year after year and never let up. After you have done your part, pass the torch on the those who come after you. Don’t be discouraged because the 80-20 rule applies here, and the odds are on our side. There is one thing that you should never forget, and that is in Chicago, #TogetherWeCan

At Chicago Together We Can, we understand the crucial role that local businesses play in fostering thriving, safe communities. Our Community Business initiative is dedicated to supporting and empowering small businesses across Chicago, as they contribute to the city's economic growth and create positive change in their neighborhoods.

We provide valuable resources, networking opportunities, and guidance to help business owners navigate the challenges they may face. By collaborating with city agencies, community organizations, and other stakeholders, we aim to create a supportive environment that enables businesses to flourish and contribute to the overall safety and well-being of their communities.

Join us in our mission to make Chicago a city where neighborhood businesses thrive, and together, we can create a safer, more prosperous future for all.